
They say we all have a book in us and in my case it turns out I have three!

After letting my writing sit unloved on my computer for far too long I decided that I wanted to share them with the world.  The goal of publishing my work gave me a focus when I was forced to take a break, quite litterally, due to a broken ankle!

My self published works are available to buy on Amazon and can be found in Princetown Library to loan.

The Wilderness Error

A story of the great warrior god Zeus, now living out his retirement in an underground kingdom created by God, and Horace Algernon Dodds, a small accountant from the London suburb of Ruislip in Great Britain.
A darkly comic tale of misadventure, love and redemption in heaven and on earth.

Joe’s Alarm Clock

Like the monotonous rhythmic ticking of his alarm clock before the harsh awakening clarion, everything that Joe does is mired in mediocrity.

Joe’s metamorphosis from child to man is rapidly approaching completion.
He lives life in the same cyclical pattern as his friend and confidante, a huge garish alarm clock with a bellowing call.
When his own biological alarm sounds it has a sensational and dramatic impact on Joe as well as on those around him.

Neither he nor his small group of train-spotting friends will ever be quite the same again.
Nightmarish on occasion, this novel is sensitive and fresh in its depiction of ordinary and extraordinary lives. This is a tale which will unnerve and charm you at the same time.

The Weird, the Strange and the Succulent (short stories)

A selection of short stories set in the 20th Century. Mostly, but not necessarily, on our earth.
Darkly comic in places and endearingly sad in others, these will make you laugh or cry; either way a box of tissues may be a useful accessory.